In the business meeting the position of new board members were decided. Dr. Claudia Rosenbaum and Dr. Davide Audisio joined the board. Welcome and we are happy to work with you! See:

In the plenary meeting in Bad Soden May 2022 it was decided to rename the chapter to European Division. The name of the IIS-CED e.V. remains the same. For information about the meeting , see:

Volker Derdau is the second receipient of the European Isotope Science Award. Dieter Muri and Dietrich Seidel were honored for there outstanding contributions to the European Isotope Community with the IIS-ED Award.



Location: H+ Hotel, Königsteiner Str. 88, 65812 Bad Soden am Taunus

Time: 6th May, 11 to 12 am, room Tolstoi



  1. Welcome and presentation of the agenda
  2. Minutes of the last meeting
  3. Report of the board
  4. Report of the treasurer
  5. Election of the electoral commissioner
  6. Formally approve past actions of the board
  7. Change of constitution and bylaws (Satzung), proposal attached
  8. Board elections – 2 additional board members
  9. Election of the auditors
  10. No election of the BoR representative – change in global IIS constitution
  11. Organisation of the Bad Soden workshop 2023
  12. Support of science / scientific projects
  13. Miscellaneous


We hope to welcome you at our business meeting.